Recreational Sport
Effective performance and welfare insights in sport have historically only been available in elite level sport.
PhysiGo's Instrumented insole will provide insights into performance and welfare across multiple sports, providing solutions for the individual, grassroots & community sports, and for the elite.
Our Solution
Our Insoles uses technology developed with British Athletic Olympic Team.
Our unique AI algorithms allow us to gather details on how you move, recover, and perform efficiently within any sport.
Wearing PhysiGo’s Insoles while performing sport will provide you with the following:
Objectively measure fitness provide insight to improvements running form
Provide Sport specific feedback
- Positional aspects of fitness
- Real-time in-game performance/fatigue
Monitor performance improvement regimes
- Time-based, team based, community based
Monitor return to play protocols following injuries
Provide objective insights into recovery
Ability to use across multiple sports
Priced for a grass-root community

Insoles featuring AI integration, with applications for Sport and Healthcare.
Instrumented insole for multi-sport data collection, developed from original PhysiGo British Athletics trial. Our Insoles record an individual’s walking pattern (Gait).
Pressure sensors
On board AI
Wireless data transfer
Wireless charging
Full day battery life